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Coface Thailand Services co LTD

622 Emporium Tower, 22/F

622 Emporium Tower, 22/F
Sukhumvit 24

10110, Bangkok

Send a message

Credit Insurance

*mandatory field

(About personal data protection) 

Coface Group, through its subsidiaries/affiliates or insurance partners, offers a comprehensive range of trade credit insurance, business information and debt collection services in approximately 100 countries.  In Thailand, trade credit insurance and all related services are provided by Coface's insurance partners i.e. insurance companies duly licensed and regulated by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), namely, AXA Insurance, Muang Thai Insurance and Sompo Thailand Insurance.

Enquiry Channel * *

Business Information

*mandatory field

Enquiry Channel *

Political Risks

*mandatory field

(About personal data protection)

Coface Group, through its subsidiaries/affiliates or insurance partners, offers a comprehensive range of trade credit insurance, business information and debt collection services in approximately 100 countries.  In Thailand, trade credit insurance and all related services are provided by Coface's insurance partners i.e. insurance companies duly licensed and regulated by the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), namely, AXA Insurance, Muang Thai Insurance and Sompo Thailand Insurance.

Enquiry Channel *

Other topic

*mandatory field


Make a complaint

*mandatory field

Even with the best efforts possible, we know things can go wrong.
So, if you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, please let us know as soon as possible.
How ?
You can use our online form. You can also contact us by email ( as it is sometimes easier to write quick message.
Please make sure you describe your complaint, what you expect from us, your name, address and contract details (eg policy numbers)
Our commitment
Once you have sent your complaint, we will do our best to resolve the problem immediately. If we need more time to investigate, we will :

  • Acknowledge receipt of your complaint
  • Provide you with a reference number
  • Send a final answer within a reasonable timeline

In case you are not satisfied with the response provided by us, or you did not receive any response from us, you can contact the mediator to this email address:
The mediator will come back to you within 60 days following your email request.

About personal data protection

Title *
Product your complaint is related to *
Please tell us what your complaint is about *


*mandatory field

